Developer Services

As the Solar Architect, Erthos helps developers reap the benefits of deploying Earth Mount SolarTM PV technology. Starting with an instant and free project proposal, we then move into full engagement as the project engineer. On an Erthos project, the construction scope is highly simplified so there is no need for an EPC. Instead, we follow an owner’s architect model, where the interests of all parties remain aligned.

Instant Project Estimates

The Erthos design tool allows developers to generate highly accurate plant designs instantly, for free, including:

  • Full-wrap O&M

  • Autonomous robotic cleaning

  • Ancillary Services

Project Engineering

Under a Solar Architect Agreement, Erthos provides all the technical and project development expertise needed to bring an Earth Mount Solar® PV project to completion.

  • System design

  • Energy prediction

  • Project planning

  • Permitting

  • Procurement services

  • Onsite QC

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